• B-278 New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110096

It is a visionary year. The months of January till March will prove to be helpful in all aspects. The two main planets Jupiter and Saturn are placed in 9th house (house of fortune) from your natal Moon. Saturn will leave 9th house on January 24 and will be placed in 10th house (the house of profession / karma). Fortune will favor you. And all your plans will get completed. Venus, Sun and Mercury will co-join Jupiter and Saturn in 9th house in mid January. Those projects which you were unable to finish will start getting completed. You will also start to undertake new projects. And travel related to business will keep you busy which will prove to be beneficial later on. You could purchase new property or a luxurious vehicle. Auspicious functions like marriage too can take place. This is a very good period for individual growth – both material and spiritual development. Students will get success in exams and interviews. There will be ample opportunities to move ahead in present job, profession and business. Despite opposition, you would make progress. But in matters related to wealth, finance and money need to act with prudence. Herculean task would be accomplished with luck and grace. Vital contacts would be developed with important and higher up people and you will even receive favourable benefits.

Months of April, May and June would be especially fruitful. Jupiter will join Saturn in Capricorn sign in 10th house on March 29. Saturn will be in its own sign while Jupiter will be debilitated but its debilitation will get cancelled. And both planets will give good results. Since this is house of profession / karmas you would have ample opportunities in job/profession. Your government related work will get completed. There will be new business opportunities that you might undertake. New property can also be purchased. If during this period you are thinking of starting a new venture / project or thinking of expansion in the present work situation then without doubt success is assured. Those appearing in competitions, exams and interview etc. would come out with flying colours.

Months of July to November would also prove to be lucky. Saturn will remain in 10th house but topsy-turvy Jupiter will re-enter in your 9th house in its own sign –Sagittarius on 30th June.  Rahu and Ketu will change position and will enter Taurus and Scorpio sign respectively on 23rd September 2020 after remaining in Gemini and Sagittarius sign respectively for 18 months. You will make major gains in business/profession and work on new plans. And could also enter into new partnership, joint venture, startup or any new association. You can go abroad for studies, new job or research. You will also get foreign related work-order. People with interest in writing, literature, arts, fashion, cinema or sports on account of their special talent would be able to enhance their stature. Your long held, pending or overdue projects could be completed easily. You will also like to take those challenges of which you were doubtful with renewed efforts.

The remaining period of the year from November 20 and December will bring very good results and hold a lot of promise. The three main planets Saturn, Rahu and Ketu will remain placed in Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio respectively. But benefic planet Jupiter will join Saturn in 10th house again in Capricorn on November 20. Your long cherished plans would start getting completed and projects which were in a limbo for long period would also start making headway now. Finance will never be a problem. Children will perform well in studies. And elders will get relief from chronic diseases. You will get relief from problems and all major plans will get completed. If looking for a new job, work or business then take long strides ahead with confidence.

It is going to be a very good year overall. Your plans can get materialized. New income sources will accrue. Money and wealth inflow will be continuous. Peace and harmony will prevail in family. Your name and fame too will increase. Auspicious events or celebrations in the family will take place. Month of April, November and December are particularly very fruitful. The overall general behavior of family members will keep you happy and relaxed. Your efforts will be blessed with success. Friends and well wishers would provide ample support. Gains from banks, FIs and authority / government are also indicated.


From family life and relationship perspective the year is really exceptional. There would be greater bonding and understanding in the family. There are indications / yogas for job/employment and positive results would be forthcoming. There would be atmosphere of joy and cheer in the family circle.

Wealth and money

This year is going to be excellent from wealth point of view. There will be an increase in your income and an additional sources of income too could be generated. If you have been harbouring some ambitions for a long time for a grand, bigger and beautiful house in some favorable and posh locality then it is time to move ahead and make your dreams come into reality.


This year your area of influence would grow wider. People would be appreciative of your managerial skills and ability to bring into execution difficult projects. Your business associates will help you a lot. Your relations with seniors and follow colleagues would be, by and large, cordial. Additionally, you may be given a new responsibility or promotion leading to rise in your status.


This year your overall health would be perfect. We just can’t continue to live by belief in our genes and DNA. If you are careful with regard to matters of health and keep yourself busy in yoga, meditation, gym or exercise, may be some sports, then not only your health would remain fine but your mind, body and soul would also feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

Astrological Remedies

Yellow Sapphire, Red Coral and Pearl can be worn. Yellow Sapphire is good for grace and good luck. Red Corol would increase patience and calmness. Pearl would add to family and mental peace. Chanting of Ista-mantra, doing yoga and meditation is not only beneficial but would boost the immunity system too.


It is a visionary year. Your plans would get fulfilled. Be ambitious. And plan and think big. Fortune favours the brave.


Don’t be over confident. And make wise decisions with patience.

satta king chart