• B-278 New Ashok Nagar, New Delhi-110096

From January to March Jupiter will transit in 5th house from your natal Moon and majority of planets too will be placed in the 5th house which is also beneficial. Sun, Venus and Mercury too will join Jupiter and Ketu in 5th house in January. Saturn will also remain here till 24th January and will travel to 6th house thereafter. These are very exciting times for you. Since most of the planets are influencing your 5h house you will be a lot more creative and imaginative. The 5th house is house of creation and you will be highly creative. And can do wonders too. You can reach dizzy heights by your efforts. You can work on a new plans or project with a vision and will get unmatched success. By making best use of your intelligence, skills and caliber you will do very well. Whole universe will dance to your tunes. And you will seek inspiration from celestial forces. Those who are in creative fields like writing, dancing, music, astrology, sports, entertainment etc. will excel and will be able to make a name for themselves and leave their imprint. Those who are working on special subjects or projects with a vision will get success too. It is a very good period for your individual growth and personality development. Fortune will favor you. People will come forward to help you and you will inspire them too. It is a good time to reap profits and benefits in business. You will be innovative and skillful. You can also enter into new partnership or joint venture. Students will do well in studies and will get success in exams / interviews. Keep on making repeated efforts and never be slack. You will get many opportunities to race ahead in life. Your name and fame too will rise.

The months of April to June will bring mixed results. Jupiter will join Saturn on 29 March in 6th house in Capricorn sign. Rahu and Ketu will remain well placed. It is a very challenging and tough period. But overall trend would be to your liking. You will have to face challenges but it will bring more opportunities for growth. It is a beautiful time to make best use off. You will get success in court related matter. A favorable court order too can be expected. Your self confidence will increase and you will perform very well in your job. There would be opportunities to take steps ahead in job, education and business. Those who want to go abroad for higher studies, jobs, business or some professional work need not slacken their efforts. Make a move and get suitably rewarded for your efforts. It there are possibilities of getting some ancestral property or legacy or if there are disputes relating to property then efforts to resolve them through mutual talks and understanding would bring positive results. You will get chances for frequent business travel which will prove to be beneficial later on.

The time period of July to 20th November will bring exceptional results. Jupiter will travel back to Sagittarius sign on June 30 and will remain in 5th house. Rahu and Ketu too will change position on 23rd September and will enter Taurus and Scorpio sign respectively. Placement of planets are very favorable. And it is an ideal time to start some new work or project. You will get success. There can be birth of a new baby in the family. Those born during this time period will be exceptional and extremely fortunate. Your graph of name and fame too will rise. Those who are in creative fields, media and politics can get national and international recognition and acclaim. You can also go abroad for travel or business. Your economic and financial condition will be wonderful. And inflow of money will be continuous. You can also go on a travel destination with family for fun and relaxation. Your moral would be boosted and you will remain in high spirits. As a result, with greater determination you will like to finish pending projects. There are chances to move forward in present job and profession. Those looking for greener postures can accomplish them. The family atmosphere will be gleeful.

The remaining time period of the year from November 20 till end of December will prove to be challenging. Struggles will be there but since you are lion-hearted by nature you will tackle them boldly and search for solutions. Rather them being afraid you will enjoy and accept challenges and will come out winner too. If striving for execution of a long-lasting project then make efforts in that direction. It is time to turn long-lasting love affair into marriage. Those who are on the threshold of marriageable age will have yogas to get married. There will be increase in family prosperity and ties will grow stronger.


From family life and relations perspective, this year will provide you with some happy and joyful moments. Peace and harmonious atmosphere will prevail in the family. Loved ones will be very emotionally close to each other. They will also take care of each others interest. Possibilities of expansion in the family tree. As it is, there are chances of some marriage function taking place and arrival of a new born baby in the family. If you are planning for renovation or buying a new property chances are very bright. You will also go for some adventurous, fun-filled, sight seeing trips with your family.

Wealth and money  

This year is particularly fruitful from economic point of view. There would be expected increase and growth on financial front as you had expected. Months of July, November and December would be particularly favorable from financial stability and growth point of view. You will also perform exceptionally well professionally as result of which there would be manifold increase in regular source of income.


From professional point of view this year is very promising. There would be many opportunities to take steps forward in your life. You will be very creative. And will be able to make proper use of opportunities and will reap financial benefits. Those who are looking for new jobs/employment would also be not disappointed. Those desirous going abroad for jobs/employment or higher studies would also see their dreams come true.


This year is very favorable from health point of view. We strongly believe that if we are not very particular about our health then in later part of our life it would prove to be fatal. If we apply this principle in reality then quality of our life too would change. The placement of planets is favorable from health point of view.

Astrological remedies

From rasi point of view, wearing Ruby, Coral and Yellow Sapphire would be beneficial. Sun is your Rasi lord. If Surya Namaskar and offering water to Sun God is made a life long habit it would stand you in the good. Wearing a 13 Mukhi Rudraksh too would be beneficial for you.


Face problems with courage and determination. If along with will power you mix tact and bring every situation under control then life would become smoother.


Overcome ego problems. Don’t be afraid of challenges. Success is round the corner.

satta king chart